

2016: A year marked by negative headlines. Global terrorism, the so-called refugee crisis, the conflict in Ukraine, panama papers, the almost ludicrous US election campaign. Just to name a few. Sometimes one thinks: We have not seen the world so crazy and conflictual for a very long time. It's time for some good news! Therefore TEDxMünchen 2016 will focus on positive topics. On solutions for acute problems. On sustainable, future-oriented ideas. On projects which give us hope. With their optimism our speakers will inspire the audience and send you off full of power and positive thoughts into the last days and weeks of 2016.


TEDxMünchen 2016 - GOOD NEWS



Wolfgang Krach

Globalized journalism for a globalized World

Jona Christians

What it takes to build a Solar Car

Gabi Junklewitz

Anleitung zum Nichts-Tun

Kwinten Crauwels

A Visual Way to Explore the Musical Universe

Elisabeth Hahnke

Die Kunst, Veränderung zu bewirken

Fabian Wichmann

Wie man aus Scheiße Bonbons macht

Lara Wernert

Red Round Rug Revolution

Angela Aux


Jodie Patterson

Gender is obsolete

Dr. Ulrich Eberl

Smarte Maschinen - Diener oder Dämonen?

Prof. Dr. Andreas Graefe

How to predict an Election

Tony Hawks

Lessons from the Fridge

Christiane Heinicke

What Earth can learn from Mars

Aubrey de Grey

How we can finally win the fight against Aging